Life insurance is a crucial step in planning for your future. Not only can life insurance provide assurance for your family if you are no longer around, there are life insurance policies that offer benefits while you are living. At Gunn-Mowery, we understand the life insurance needs of our customers.

The necessity of life insurance depends on your own personal and financial needs. However, buying life insurance sooner can be helpful as insurance gets more expensive as you age. And, if you develop a medical condition, the price may change. So if you think you might need life insurance in the future, the best time to get it may be now while you’re young and healthy.


1 in 3 households would have immediate trouble paying living expenses if the primary wage-earner died, according to the 2019 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA. And the study also found that 40% haven’t bought life insurance or more of it because they’re unsure of how much or what type to buy.








Generally, you should consider life insurance if:

  • You have a spouse
  • You have dependent children
  • You have an aging parent or a physically challenged relative who depends on you for support
  • Your retirement savings are not enough to insure your spouse’s future against a rising cost of living
  • You have a sizable estate
  • You own a business


Additional benefits of life insurance other than providing for your loved ones:

  • The cash value earned and borrowed from a permanent life insurance policy can be used to help with large expenses, such as a college education or down payment on a home.
  • The growth of a cash-value policy is tax-deferred — you do not pay taxes on the cash value accumulation until you withdraw funds from the policy.
  • Life insurance can be used to cover funeral expenses and pay estate taxes — consult your tax advisor agent for more information.


The right coverage for you in Pennsylvania is unique – contact us and find out how to protect your family and your future with the right life insurance. 

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